After a lifetime of mainly expressing myself with words, my postings here will mainly rely on images.  They will speak for themselves to some extent, but I'll usually add a few comments of explanation.  I've taken photographs for decades, since the 1950's, inspired in part by my father's photographic skill.  Four years of photo assignments and quality darkroom time eventually gave way to decades of casual and family picture-taking.  I re-immersed myself when I left film and turned to digital.  

bear grizzly
January February March April May June (1) July (2) August (6) September (3) October November (4) December (4)
January (3) February March (2) April (3) May (3) June (5) July (2) August September October November December

Welcome to my blog site, where I'll semi-daily post some images I like and a few comments of greater or lesser relevance to the images and the context.  Sometimes the comments will explain why I took a photo and what I see in it that makes me think, or hope, others will find it interesting.  


Let me know what you think.  Please don't assume I think every image will be interesting to everyone.  Photographers are like ravens, collecting bright, shiny objects.  Tastes differ, wildly.  To some, only action is interesting.  To others, only portraits or landscapes are worthy.  This will be an eclectic display; everything I photograph is fair game for posting.  


Thank you for dropping by.  I look forward to your comments and will post them only with your prior approval.  I would rather have candid private comments than hear nothing.  And I don't publicize or trade on my contact or client list.  


Theater Alaska

July 16, 2024
Now for something completely different, turning from Juneau's wildlife to Juneau's inner life. Nestled in an intensely physical location and populated with charismatic an...
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Other Fauna

July 03, 2024
In Southeast Alaska, the charismatic and easily accessible species are humpbacks, orcas, eagles, and bears. But other interesting beasts turn up regularly, usually not wi...
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Whale Gymnastics: Back Layouts and Shoulder Rolls

June 24, 2024
Sometimes the humpbacks do what, in human terms, appear to be back layouts and shoulder rolls. We don't know - of course - what the whales call them. But given advances i...
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Whale Gymnastics: Tail Slaps

June 20, 2024
Tail slaps are another intriguing humpback behavior. Most obviously, they reflect the tremendous power the whales' tails can exert, but photo sequences also reveal someth...
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More Whale Gymnastics: Pectoral Fin "Waves"

June 16, 2024
Humpbacks sometimes extend their pectoral fins nearly straight up, above the surface. They are barely moving forward when they do it and it's just as though they are floa...
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