Clouds, Part 3: Awe

November 07, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

Clouds can be awesome. But not all clouds are awesome. Cloud observers aren’t likely to agree unanimously about exactly which clouds are awesome and which aren’t; it isn’t a classification governed by scientific criteria. Viewers’ awe thresholds may differ depending on experience and training (such as, possibly, in meteorology or fine art).  Possibly a jaded storm-chaser would not find a Category 3 tornado awesome; perhaps a disciple of 19th Century painter Albert Bierstadt, famous for passionately dramatic American landscapes, would have a more demanding definition of “awesome.” But for most of us, speaking simplistically, some clouds are awesome and some aren't, even if we don’t unanimously agree about which are and which aren’t. There is no Court of Clouds, so no standard of legal proof (whether beyond a reasonable doubt, by clear and convincing evidence, or more-probable-than-not) controls. And it shouldn’t take a super-majority to make a cloud awesome. But, once the issue arises, if it's a close call whether a particular cloud is awesome, does that imply that it can’t really be awesome? 


Ultimately the classification can’t be satisfied by an objective standard. And ultimately it must come down to an “I know it when I see it” subjective standard, since awesomeness is finally just in the eye of the beholder.  


That said, what qualities might make a cloud seem awesome in a beholder’s eyes? Maybe a sense of great depth and volume. Maybe a sense of intense physicality, such as turbulence or violence.  Maybe magnitude, especially in contrast with non-clouds (sky, terrain, water, and the beholder himself/herself). Maybe vibrant color. Maybe dramatic shapes. Maybe context (as in most things).


The images below try to explore and illustrate some of these issues and qualities. This is not an exhaustive catalogue (no tornados or hurricanes, for example). These are simply some idiosyncratic pictures of clouds that fortuitously appeared and allowed me to photograph them. 


So, great depth and volume: EF4A0157EF4A0157 EF4A4230EF4A4230 EF4A0208-PanoEF4A0208-Pano     EF4A1747EF4A1747 EF4A1770EF4A1770 IMG_1079IMG_1079    IMG_1123IMG_1123 EF4A6212EF4A6212

Turbulence or violence:

EF4A9864EF4A9864 untitled-0219untitled-0219

Sheer magnitude:

131A8602131A8602 K03C6655K03C6655 EF4A5254EF4A5254

Vibrant color:

K03C0421K03C0421 EF4A0072EF4A0072 AAA008AAA008 EF4A0168EF4A0168

Shapes: EF4A6227EF4A6227 Context, maybe:

0M0A07230M0A0723 131A7383131A7383 A92I9965A92I9965 untitled-_M0A1458-Enhanced-NR-2untitled-_M0A1458-Enhanced-NR-2


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After a lifetime of mainly expressing myself with words, my postings here will mainly rely on images.  They will speak for themselves to some extent, but I'll usually add a few comments of explanation.  I've taken photographs for decades, since the 1950's, inspired in part by my father's photographic skill.  Four years of photo assignments and quality darkroom time eventually gave way to decades of casual and family picture-taking.  I re-immersed myself when I left film and turned to digital.  

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