Clouds, Part 2. Are they hiding something?

October 30, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

Clouds embody mystery and uncertainty. They assume shifting shapes, fluidly changing appearance. They conceal, reveal, and then conceal again sky, land, and water. An observer might wonder if they could be hiding something and whether they are somehow more sentient than science assumes.  

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And is there anything inherently more mysterious than heading out into Lynn Canal in dense fog and low cloud?

Or viewing a Monet-ish impression of clouds reflected in a tidal slough? K03C4543-Enhanced-NRK03C4543-Enhanced-NR


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After a lifetime of mainly expressing myself with words, my postings here will mainly rely on images.  They will speak for themselves to some extent, but I'll usually add a few comments of explanation.  I've taken photographs for decades, since the 1950's, inspired in part by my father's photographic skill.  Four years of photo assignments and quality darkroom time eventually gave way to decades of casual and family picture-taking.  I re-immersed myself when I left film and turned to digital.  

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