Intersections: Ski Racing and Photography; More Thoughts, Part 5

May 26, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

Do close-ups of racers on course tell us much about their personalities?  I'm not so sure. The faces of particular racers often show similar emotions in each race, and a racer who looks very determined in a photo from one race usually looks very determined in photos from other races. But racers' expressions are often situational and reactive, triggered by what is happening to them, by course and weather conditions, by how they are performing, and, perhaps, by the imminent prospect of crossing the finish line.  They may be reacting to challenges (a surprise bump in a flat-light course, a dense snowstorm, or a difficult gate), or to successes (getting safely through a difficult passage or recovering from a misstep). In any event, their on-course expressions may never reappear off course; conversely, racers who are placid and friendly off course may display fierce concentration on course. Here are a few more examples, with displays of: 

curiosity (about what's ahead)

A92I2886A92I2886 A92I5530A92I5530

apprehension (at what might be ahead)


surprise (at an unexpected flat-light Super-G bump or giant slalom or slalom excursion)

131A3156-Edit-3131A3156-Edit-3 131A2745-Edit131A2745-Edit A92I0727-Edit-2A92I0727-Edit-2 A92I7309A92I7309

nonchalance (after recovering from a wild moment)


determination (to maximize everything)

A92I9119A92I9119 A92I1395A92I1395 A92I4893A92I4893

concentration (on the race line)

A92I0250-EditA92I0250-Edit A92I4146-EditA92I4146-Edit A92I5749-EditA92I5749-Edit A92I3481-Edit-2A92I3481-Edit-2 A92I7674A92I7674 A92I6620-EditA92I6620-Edit A92I0745-EditA92I0745-Edit A92I2799A92I2799

aggression (self-imposed)

A92I5472A92I5472 A92I6972A92I6972 A92I1614A92I1614
disdain (for a slalom gate in a snow storm)


self-possession (how to relax while going fast, and accept the coach's comments with equanimity when a race goes awry)

A92I2246A92I2246 A92I6066A92I6066

commitment (dedication to each moment)

A92I5463A92I5463 A92I2529A92I2529 A92I7529-EditA92I7529-Edit A92I8220-EditA92I8220-Edit A92I3643-EditA92I3643-Edit A92I3837-EditA92I3837-Edit A92I4421-EditA92I4421-Edit A92I3982A92I3982 A92I4271-Edit-2A92I4271-Edit-2

perseverance (to succeed and finish)

A92I0745-Edit-2A92I0745-Edit-2 A92I4047A92I4047

confidence (believing in success) 

A92I8792A92I8792 A92I0386A92I0386 A92I0030A92I0030

pleasure (at personal achievement racing and training)

A92I1514-EditA92I1514-Edit A92I4487A92I4487
A92I6926-EditA92I6926-Edit A92I3374A92I3374 A92I5809A92I5809 A92I2517A92I2517 A92I9913A92I9913 131A0079131A0079
satisfaction (one good turn at a time)

A92I3588-EditA92I3588-Edit A92I0905A92I0905 A92I6561A92I6561

relief (at making the gate or at approaching the last gate and the finish line - when greatly enlarged, the goggles are seen to reflect the last gate and the finish line)

A92I8427A92I8427 A92I4062A92I4062 A92I4062-EditA92I4062-Edit

stoicism, inscrutability, and impassivity (saving all the emotion for relaxing later and all the energy for going fast now)

A92I1970A92I1970 A92I2671-EditA92I2671-Edit A92I2371A92I2371 A92I2214A92I2214 A92I2505-EditA92I2505-Edit A92I0205A92I0205 A92I3087A92I3087


Many thanks to my fine and fast models for this exercise, a very few of whom may be aware of the camera at times, but most of whom are completely focused (so to speak) when on course.


This particular post has taken weeks to draft and complete, because selecting and categorizing and re-editing some representative images from a great many image files accumulated in only one season of racing have absorbed many hours.  It hasn't helped that COVID masks obscured the faces and expressions of many fine racers.  Next season, perhaps.


All these and many more, images of racer faces are already in galleries for the last two race series (FIS tech races and U12/U14 Championships), plus the Brian Russell race. Many more to come for Alyeska Cup and then finally Coca-Cola Classic. There will be a special gallery for the versions of the image files contained in this post. Some files have been edited, re-edited, revised, and uploaded into different galleries several times.  For the pictures in this post, the latest versions will have an exclusive gallery all their own. And since these tend to be very significant enlargements, they often can't be displayed or printed nearly as big as usual. So the face galleries limit the file and print sizes to maintain quality. 


May 29, 2021: This is the link to the Racer Faces gallery that holds all the face photos in this post and in the immediate prior post:



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After a lifetime of mainly expressing myself with words, my postings here will mainly rely on images.  They will speak for themselves to some extent, but I'll usually add a few comments of explanation.  I've taken photographs for decades, since the 1950's, inspired in part by my father's photographic skill.  Four years of photo assignments and quality darkroom time eventually gave way to decades of casual and family picture-taking.  I re-immersed myself when I left film and turned to digital.  

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