I photographed much of the Aukeman Triathlon August 4, 2024, partly because I had photographed the 2022 Aukeman and the 2022 Ironman, partly because I knew a few of the Juneau entrants, and also partly because I had asked Mark Sabbatini, at the Juneau Empire, if he might want any photos. He said he would be covering the races himself but very kindly suggested I send in some photos in case he needed them.
So I did. I sent nine photos, with captions. Whether Mark can or will use any remains to be seen. He has other news fish to fry and space limitations are a very practical issue he must always deal with.
Note that I wasn’t able to do much of the long race, since the legs were so long. And since I was mainly near or on the plaza, I missed a lot of people (including a head-on shot of Isabella Lang who won the Olympic distance race outright -- I have a photo of her finishing, but spectators suddenly blocked me as she was approaching, so I missed getting a good closing shot). I thought she was the performer of the day.
I took only a few swim shots, probably of the long-race swimmers, but I couldn’t identify them. The one swim shot I submitted to the Empire was mainly interesting as a study in reflections; more art than athletic. I'm not sure who it is. No visible number. Someone might be able to figure it out from the swim finish times, since I think he was either the first or second swimmer. If you know, please email me. bob.eastaugh@gmail.com.
The suggested caption:
A Half-Ironman competitor approaches the Auke Lake boat ramp at the end of his swim in Sunday's Aukeman Triathlon.
August 6 update: I just added two more images of the same swimmer, probably the first out of the water:
As a matter of composition and athletics, the one I sent to the Empire is better (arm out of water), but for identifying the swimmer, the one immediately above is better. Or the one on the ramp:
The caption for ageless John Bursell:
Juneau's John Bursell, here in the transition from the swim to the bike leg in the Half-Ironman distance, finished third overall in the long race in Sunday's Aukeman Triathlon. He raced in the 60-64 year-old age group.
I submitted two of Eliza Dorn, who was fourth overall (and the second woman) in the Olympic-distance race. The caption:
Eliza Dorn is just beginning her bike leg in Sunday's Olympic distance Aukeman Triathlon. She finished fourth overall.
The alternative I submitted:
Juneau's Eliza Dorn throws in a final surge as she approaches the finish line in Sunday's Aukeman Triathlon. She finished fourth overall in the Olympic distance race.
Isabella Lang finished first overall in the Olympic distance in Sunday's Aukeman Triathlon. She here runs across the finish line after a dominant run leg.
But after sending that shot, I decided there was a better one of Lang, so I sent this revised suggested caption and this shot that better depicted her stride (plus, I liked her airborne shadow):
Isabella Lang was flying Sunday in more ways than one. Here she is airborne in midstride enroute to a dominant victory in the Olympic distance Aukeman Triathlon, taking first overall.
I sent in two different shots of Jason Sosa. The suggested captions:
Jason Sosa of Juneau was the top male in the Sprint distance Aukeman Triathlon Sunday. His visor reflects the skyline of the UAS campus as he begins his bike leg.
Jason Sosa of Juneau was the top male in the Sprint distance Aukeman Triathlon Sunday. Here he finishes a very strenuous bike leg as two very relaxed spectators watch.
Fun to photograph these races. Impressive performances. Thanks, racers. And maybe Mark Sabbatini will have space to run one or more. I will eventually create a gallery that contains more race shots when I have a chance to process and upload more. I'll post the gallery link right here when I actually get to that gallery in coming days.
August 9: Here is the link. The race gallery is not yet complete. 91 photos uploaded as of August 9. More to come.
After a lifetime of mainly expressing myself with words, my postings here will mainly rely on images. They will speak for themselves to some extent, but I'll usually add a few comments of explanation. I've taken photographs for decades, since the 1950's, inspired in part by my father's photographic skill. Four years of photo assignments and quality darkroom time eventually gave way to decades of casual and family picture-taking. I re-immersed myself when I left film and turned to digital.