Juneau Fireworks 2024

August 12, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

Juneau's annual Fourth of July fireworks display (which actually begins each July 3, just before midnight) is typically terrific, and huge crowds gather along Egan Drive and at select viewing places to see the latest. It is never disappointing, and wasn't even in 2023, when it seemed there might have been some mishap that interrupted the show for a while. 


The 2023 show included these ten highlights (and there were many more highlights, making selection a challenge):

131A7911131A7911 131A7916131A7916 131A7949131A7949 131A7957131A7957 131A7971131A7971 131A7976131A7976 131A7998131A7998 131A8020131A8020 131A8035131A8035 131A8036131A8036

But 2024 was different, because atmospheric conditions kept all the smoke from the fireworks in the area. Normally a breeze moves the smoke away from the display area. But not in 2024. As a result, smoke often obscured or partially obscured the higher displays as the show went on. It didn't affect the lower displays as much. The smoke was disappointing to viewers used to seeing an unobscured show. And there was a hiatus in the display that might have indicated there had been some sort of problem in the launching area.


Nonetheless, very oddly, the smoke made for terrifically dramatic photos in 2024. Many of the resulting images have the look of NASA's awe-inspiring Hubble-distant-galaxy images. Very impressive and dramatic, and much different from the usual.


Here are some of the 2024 images:

131A5485131A5485 131A5491131A5491 131A5500131A5500 131A5508131A5508 131A5523131A5523 131A5524131A5524 131A5529131A5529 131A5530131A5530 131A5566131A5566 131A5567131A5567 131A5574131A5574 131A5576131A5576 131A5592131A5592 131A5596131A5596 131A5609131A5609 131A5614131A5614 131A5631131A5631 131A5641131A5641 131A5650131A5650 131A5651131A5651 131A5656131A5656 131A5659131A5659 131A5662131A5662 131A5663131A5663 131A5665131A5665 131A5668131A5668

That said, the 2023 show made for better photos and viewing.


Just in case you want to see more fireworks photos from these two annual displays, here are direct links to my two website galleries, the first is for the 2023 display; the second is for the 2024 display. 

https://bobeastaughimagery.zenfolio.com/p862692172   (2023)
https://bobeastaughimagery.zenfolio.com/p482474344   (2024)


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After a lifetime of mainly expressing myself with words, my postings here will mainly rely on images.  They will speak for themselves to some extent, but I'll usually add a few comments of explanation.  I've taken photographs for decades, since the 1950's, inspired in part by my father's photographic skill.  Four years of photo assignments and quality darkroom time eventually gave way to decades of casual and family picture-taking.  I re-immersed myself when I left film and turned to digital.  

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