Auke Bay - Mendenhall tide flats (Summer 2021)

April 23, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

Not far from Auke Bay, but seemingly a world apart, are the Mendenhall tide flats, left by the Mendenhall River's silty tidal estuary as it has emptied for centuries into the channel between the mainland and what is now Douglas Island. Locals now favor the flats for good walks, whether conversational, reflective, or vigorous. The flats offer only a slivered glimpse of Lynn Canal, but they often immerse an observer in moody atmosphere and sea-level foliage. The sky, constrained by cloud and mountains on both sides of the channel, is an active participant in a walk on the flats. The clouds are dramatic personalities.


A wide-angle lens makes the mountains appear far less prominent than they seem to an observer on the ground.
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A longer lens better captures an observer's perspective. 
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Notwithstanding the engineering needed to create an airport, the river continues to carve graceful arcs as it carries silt and deadfalls downstream, depositing them wherever it wishes. Sea grasses thrive. Fireweed, nature's calendar, provides ground cover and ground color and reminds us that summer is ending. A few hardy flowers pop up.  

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Wet leaves reflect gray sky.

Mendenhall Glacier is just up the valley. 131A9851131A9851

Wind, the confluence of southeast winds that move north along Gastineau Channel and cold, dense breezes that drop off the face of the glacier, can gust with enthusiastic energy, animating the grasses and fireweed, already in seed.

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Dogs race about, energized by the wind. 131A1210131A1210 131A1208131A1208

The flats are beneath and beside the airport approaches, so it is not surprising that a Coast Guard C-130 might, in scudding clouds, drop down suddenly from the north, landing lights bright in late daylight gloom above Engineer's Cutoff.   131A9621-Edit-Edit131A9621-Edit-Edit 131A9631-Edit131A9631-Edit

Gray skies backdrop planes above the flats. 131A9865131A9865 131A9781131A9781 131A9836-Edit131A9836-Edit

The tide flats aren't always moody, gloomy, and dark. North winds bring blue sky and fleecy clouds, and the mood turns happy, buoyant.  The skies seem to open up, expanding physically and psychologically.  

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After a lifetime of mainly expressing myself with words, my postings here will mainly rely on images.  They will speak for themselves to some extent, but I'll usually add a few comments of explanation.  I've taken photographs for decades, since the 1950's, inspired in part by my father's photographic skill.  Four years of photo assignments and quality darkroom time eventually gave way to decades of casual and family picture-taking.  I re-immersed myself when I left film and turned to digital.  

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