Portugal. A Very Neat Place. Porto. Part Five. (People) (September 2019)

July 12, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

People in Porto span the usual range of interesting sorts: 

left: dapper visitors (each with two umbrellas, in a possible excess of caution on a sunny day),

right: watchful locals,


our private tram driver switching tracks to enter the tram yard,


a waterman enjoying a smoke on the Douro River at slack water (his now-empty cigarette pack is floating upstream),


pedestrians more interested in their screens than the striking Dom Luis I bridge or the colorful waterfront, 


selfie-stick people capturing themselves,


people striding with a purpose,


shop owners hoping for customers,


an artist happy to be chatting,



tourists watching the trams,


tourists hitching a ride, and finally, a local hoping for a contribution.


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After a lifetime of mainly expressing myself with words, my postings here will mainly rely on images.  They will speak for themselves to some extent, but I'll usually add a few comments of explanation.  I've taken photographs for decades, since the 1950's, inspired in part by my father's photographic skill.  Four years of photo assignments and quality darkroom time eventually gave way to decades of casual and family picture-taking.  I re-immersed myself when I left film and turned to digital.  

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